Friday, July 30, 2010

Looking Ahead to Autumn

It's still balmy . . . especially when I fire up the kiln on these 90 degree July days . . . but let's talk Autumn anyway.

I have been plotting out some new enameled treats, and ordered some new and unexpected color combinations for Fall for a spin on the classic yellow, orange, red and brown. Here are some of the early ruminations for what's in store for Fall.


  1. Al said...
    Oh wow... that looks gorgeous!!!
    Cara Scarlett said...
    That wrap bracelet is GORGEOUS!!!
    Anonymous said...
    When I have money, Lia, I'm buying something of yours. Cause it's ridiculous that I don't have something of yours yet! Your work is beautiful and totally my aesthetic. What am I waiting for? Oh right. Money.

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